Educational robotics Barcelona


A few decades ago, computers began to take over the world around us, their invention meant the beginning of the end of thousands of cumbersome tasks that we were used to and that took us days and weeks to complete. Now, it is robotics that has taken surprising leaps towards a world where human effort will be less and less. Today, educational robotics in Barcelona It is being implemented gradually and the results are truly promising.

Of course, there are prior concepts that we must handle, such as: What is robotics itself? What does the term educational robotics mean? In this article we will try to answer all these questions in a very simple way.


Robotics and education

Robotics is nothing more than a technique that had its beginnings in programming and that uses the principles of design and construction of systematized devices that are responsible for carrying out all kinds of work and operations. These devices are known as Robots and we generally find them in large industries such as automobile assembly plants.

Usually, the robotics Its goal is to replace the human hand in heavy and high-risk jobs, although the development of robotics has grown so much that now it is robots who conquer planets, such as the probes sent to the planet Mars. On the other hand, in toy stores we can also find robots to entertain children and, most modern games use robotic parts and/or use programming languages, such as robots.

It is normal then that we are so interested in venturing into this world, it is something we cannot turn our back on and it is our little young people who will be in charge of creating the largest projects in the future. That is why, in education, robotics should be included as a mandatory study and,  that is where the educational robotics, an international proposal that is giving a lot of talk and that has now reached Spain to train small engineers in this area.


Educational robotics Barcelona

The arrival of the educational robotics to Barcelona It is nothing more than an extension of a revolutionary education system, which leads young people of different educational levels to delve into all kinds of knowledge that is related to technological advances and developments. The teachings are usually attributed to this system STEM, that is, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or what is the same in Spanish Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics, as the most common to study but without leaving the principles of physics.

Of course, everything does not stop here, since if this system has been able to highlight something, it is in the way in which all this knowledge is transmitted through creativity.


Educational robotics Barcelona for everyone

In this sense, Barcelona has a team of multidisciplinary professionals who promote educational innovation in their study centers and, which are carrying out innovative educational plans for children and young people of all ages, while organizing educational robotics, 3D printing, programming and virtual reality projects both curricular and extracurricular. In this sense IGNITE Serious Play is always at the forefront of innovation to be able to offer the best alternative in robotics education for centers and students in Barcelona.

The interesting and pleasant thing about this educational system that is based, among many other tools, on basic and simple pieces LEGO®. That's right, pieces that we all know and played with when we were children.

Robotics is already in Barcelona and hand in hand with IGNITE Serious Play is here to stay. Check with us about our plans for centers or courses for children.

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