Robotics Pro Level

If you're 12 years old or older and think you've seen it all in robotics, it's time to level up!

Getting to the Pro level is not easy, but this is where the most tekkies can unleash their full potential maker and get a lot of benefit from everything they have learned in previous courses.

In this robotic extracurricular activity, we work exclusively on our own projects, designed together with expert STEAM educators based on the students' interests and preferences.

Many of these inventions can have a real application in our home, whether as presence detectors, humidity, controls or decorative elements with a lot of technology!
At the soft level there is also room to experiment with the creation of new mobile apps that can then be shared or even published.

goals of learning

Conceptualization of prototypes

Design Thinking Methodology

Custom robotic developments

Hybridization of materials

Cross-platform programming

Key skills

Innovation Dynamics

Creativity Dynamics


Strategic thinking

Planning and resource management


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