Initiation to
3D Design

7 - 9 years

In this introductory level we will discover how to give shape to our ideas, creating 3D models from primitive figures formed by polygons and how we can act on their vertices to transform them.

Tinkercad It will be our creativity laboratory that will allow us to experiment with techniques and combinations of figures that will be very useful, even to use them later in Virtual Reality environments.

With 3D printers, we will make the leap to the physical world, seeing how the models acquire volume and are truly oriented in space. In this process we will see what are the different alternatives we have for printing depending on the type of material, quality of finish and available time. Finally, in this 3D Design extracurricular activity, we will learn how to export our models to use in virtual spaces.

goals of learning

Spatial orientation in 3D environments

Handling of primitive forms

Combinations of elements (additive and subtractive)

Precise use of coordinates (absolute and relative)

3D modeling and finishing techniques

Use of 3D printer

Key skills


Visual precision


Design methodology

Lateral thinking

Project planning

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