Educational planning


Educational planning

One of the most important things in our life is education, the professional training machine that allows us to develop our capabilities to the maximum in various areas of knowledge and at the same time set goals and fulfill dreams throughout our lives. The educational planning Therefore, it is of vital importance if we want to offer quality education to our young people. We cannot educate without first planning how to do it.

Although it may be hard to believe, in the 21st century most countries lack a good educational planningIn fact, some don't even have it. And it is sad to know that countries on the old continent are also involved in this deficit, which although it is not completely unattended, we know that it has stopped evolving over the years.

It is not only about adapting to the new changes offered by technological development, it is also necessary to constantly review the planning that we provide in the different educational centers. A good one educational planning It is the key to success, so we invite you to pay greater attention and focus to this topic.




Educational planning, what is it?

La educational planning It consists of outlining the objectives and goals that you want to achieve over a certain period of time. These goals and objectives have an expiration date so it is important to always renew them. Based on good planning, it is possible to specify what resources and strategies are available for the development of the entire academic section. The way a company works, the techniques of planning, control and monitoring are absolutely relevant.

La educational planning It is not simple and it does not have to be, if it were then something bad has been done. This work takes time, which is why it is done in advance, considering any possible variable, both natural and non-natural, that could affect its fulfillment. Next comes control and monitoring, where we must, with absolute consistency and focus, control whether each of the planning points is being fully met.




Points to take into account in educational planning

La educational planning must take into account various factors such as:

  • The social sphere and each of its transcendences
  • The educational establishment as a structure
  • Access and use of the different technological tools they have
  • Pedagogy which is key to good teaching
  • The political dimension, complying with any type of established regulations.




Plan hoping for the best but prepare for the worst.

What will guarantee that planning gives good results is its ability to anticipate any setbacks that may arise. It must foresee all possible situations, positive or negative, and have the effective tools or tactics to deal with them and offer that feeling of security that we are looking for.

In order to be able to anticipate everything, it is necessary to emphasize thorough prior analysis. Nothing happens to be implanted without prior in vitro tests that ensure that the prepared planning will truly respond to the needs raised or the goals that are to be achieved in the end.

The importance of planning

As we said before the educational planning It allows the correct functioning of everything that is attached to it. The importance of planning focuses on the need to coherently organize what you want to achieve with the students in the classroom. This takes on greater implications when it comes to making prior and functional decisions before putting it into practice of everything that will be taught and everything that they will learn.

Of course, the way in which students will access knowledge is also reflected in all this planning. From this point of view, it is extremely necessary to evaluate the level of depth with which all this will be elaborated.




Characteristics of educational planning

Very good planning by teachers must have the following:

The why and the for what

Una educational planning correct is not given arbitrarily, first you must be clear about why you want it? And then establish the question: why do you want it? The reasons must follow logical and well-founded reasons.

The components

It must be kept in mind that all educational planningIn the field of education it is linked to certain parameters that are immovable such as: Its foundations, its content, its materials, the methodology, the contents, the evaluations and of course, the bibliography. Here we will review each one.


This is the justification of what is being done, it gives meaning to each action and explains it with well-established bases.


This step was also explained previously as it is closely related to the intentionality of planning.


Depending on the different proposals that have been raised, the set of knowledge that will be taught must be made clear.


By materials we refer to all the didactic and technological resources available; many of them could be chosen by the students themselves so that they feel more supported and motivated.


This point is critical and a very great weight falls on it. Here the teacher must plan how he is going to teach his students all the content planned for the school year. According to its methodology, the student's growth and the teacher's abilities can be evaluated. A bad methodology could completely ruin the student's goal.


Like the methodology, the way it is evaluated determines the effectiveness of the educational planning.


These will be the texts on which both the teacher and the student will rely on during the school year.

Types of educational planning

Fortunately we have something to choose from, there are several types of educational planning according to the time invested and the one that best suits the required needs can be used as a reference.

Class by Class Planning

It consists of the detailed preparation of the teacher for each of his classes. This model is the one very commonly seen in classrooms.

Annual planification

It is based on a programmed design that contemplates all the different learning that the student must complete throughout a school year.

Didactic Planning

It is not governed by a number of hours, it has a shorter duration than the annual one, it is much more flexible and recommended by many institutions as it is a more appropriate way to capture the attention of students.

Choose the educational planning that best suits your needs as a teacher and you will see the best results.

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