Training mbot robots and neuron kits from Makeblock


Today, the entire IGNITE team, we have been lucky enough to be able to do the training of new robotics materials of the brand Makeblock.
The training was led by Lluís Molas from the company Atlantis Telecom.


The mbot robots and neuron kits, which are the two new materials, will be progressively introduced starting in the third quarter of this academic year, 2017-2018, in our extracurricular activities in Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza.


The mBot robot.



Programming the robot.


Showing mBlock graphical environment

The neuron kits will be introduced gradually for the little ones, INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING, since this material allows basic programming to be introduced visually, combining assembly and crafts, tinkering.

The mBot robot will be used for more advanced programming, PROGRAMMING – INTERMEDIATE, prioritizing programming, rather than assembly. In this case, the programming style resembles programming with Scratch.

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