Benefits of educational Robotics


The 21st century has been a period of challenges but also of growth for Spain in terms of technology. Now that we have achieved and laid the foundations of robotics, it is time to bring this knowledge to the classrooms and learn the knowledge in a practical, dynamic and fun way. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics, for its acronym in English). We tell you everything you need to know about the educational robotics and its benefits.













Chronologically speaking, the robotics has accompanied man since the creation of the first automata before the 3rd century BC, which means that as humanity we have traveled a long path to reach the practical and functional technology that we know today: drones, 3D scanners, XNUMXD printers, sensors of movement and more. In fact, it is at the end of the fifties (during modernity and in the context of the Cold War) that we created the first robots for domestic and later industrial use, since until then, the advances in robotics were merely for entertainment. playful




Today we can say that technology, and more precisely robotics, is a substantial part of society and civilization, so why not bring it to the classrooms? We must understand that education is changing, that we need to get involved with the social and historical context and provide primary and secondary school students with information up to the task. Ideally, children and adolescents do not have to go to university to finally understand how a drone works, but rather, given the context, they can handle that knowledge first-hand, through practice.

Below we share some of the main benefits of educational robotics in training processes primary school and high school.

Educational robotics for primary school

The current context invites us to teach educational robotics in primary classrooms and to take Spanish education to another level. These are some of the fundamental benefits it has to offer educational robotics for primary school children.

  1. In the first years of school education, experts recommend promoting creativity and critical thinking. The principle of creativity is to create and that of critical thinking is to understand and generate ideas; the educational robotics in primary It exponentially offers these possibilities to children.
  2. Although at the moment in much of the world the educational robotics in primary It is still an extracurricular activity, the truth is that it trains children to solve problems in a more practical and dynamic way than other disciplines.
  3. La robotics teaches dynamically certain complex mathematical, scientific and technological learning, which is generally not transmitted to a child at school.
  4. This type of technological knowledge is a window of possibilities for children that introduces them to computational thinking and leads them to be much more than mere consumers of technology.
  5. La robotics in classrooms It shows children where the electronic devices they use every day come from and how they are created.
  6. It gives children from their earliest years a completely different vision of the world, optimistic and with a view to professional growth.
  7. Wear the robotics to the classrooms from elementary school It is granting the promise of a better future.












Finally, let us remember that children are born potential scientists, they like to experiment, check and generate ideas. Unfortunately, many erroneous and intricate educational processes curtail children's desire to learn and experiment instead of boosting them. The educational robotics for children, in a playful way (through play) but at the same time structured, seeks to awaken in them the desire to learn, create and innovate. That said, we also share the benefits it offers to teenagers in high school.

Educational robotics for secondary school

Great geniuses in video games, programming and computer language come to light in high school, but they are the exception to the rule because it is not knowledge that is precisely at the students' fingertips. But we have reached a stage of technology expansion that requires the introduction of computer and robotic knowledge in the classrooms. IGNITE is here to achieve it in Spain. We share some of the main benefits offered by the robotics education in high school.

  1. Adolescents are the main consumers of technology and the most interested in innovation. By their nature, they always want to get the latest on the market and even imagine new products. What if we give them the tools to not only be consumers and thinkers of technology but also creators? If adolescents, with their fresh ideas and uncontaminated thinking, had at hand the possibility of generating and implementing ideas, we would have a greater technological revolution than we have witnessed in a few years.
  2. La secondary robotics education It can be framed in the teaching of philosophy, ethics and moral thinking. It is a contemporary way of teaching teenagers commitment, responsibility and reason for things. Because creating and maintaining a robot is a responsibility.
  3. It teaches students to think about society, its benefit, profit and growth.
  4. Just like with children, Robotics boosts the creativity of teenagers, also acting as a common thread in the formation of skills that they will need to put into practice on a daily basis and that can also be useful for other disciplines.
  5. Not all students are good in all disciplines, robotics in classes is a transdisciplinary activity in which everyone can participate based on their most outstanding abilities.
  6. Robotics teaches us to work as a team, solve problems and overcome the frustration generated by difficulties.




That said, although the robotics education It is not part of the formal study programs, we know that it is a commitment that has been postponed but that sooner or later it will be in the classrooms.

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