AMPA extracurricular activities regulations


AMPA extracurricular activities regulations

Before delving into the Regulations on extracurricular activities of the AMPA, it is necessary to know what the acronym AMPA means. It is a Association of parents of students non-profit, to which any parent who has their children in any educational center can voluntarily join. But why or for what? Well, among some of the purposes of the AMPA, there are:

  • Defend the interests of the parents of all students at any educational establishment.
  • Advise, help and guide parents about the rights and obligations of their children within their educational center.
  • Promote that all the authorities of the different educational establishments venture into new measures to improve the educational system of their students.
  • Represent both students and their parents and guardians before any government authority body.
  • Develop training activities for students and their parents.

So, joining the AMPA It is, in short, having the possibility of participating and intervening in all the decisions made by the authorities of the different study centers, as well as being able to give opinions, debate and design proposals that improve the functioning of any work team that affects directly to their children and students in general.




AMPA extracurricular activities regulations: What is it?

Knowing all this, now we can move on to talking about what is AMPA extracurricular activities regulations. It focuses on extracurricular activities that are planned and organized by the AMPA, which is responsible for ensuring the proper development of all activities during the school year and even their final evaluations.

AMPA extracurricular activities regulations: What are they?

La AMPA extracurricular activities regulationsThey are made up of simple but specific rules, of which we mention the most relevant:

  1. All students of parents associated with the AMPA can participate in extracurricular activities while those students who are children of parents who are not within the association must pay a fee that will be set by the AMPA.
  2. At the beginning of the activity, the AMPA will make a list of the students enrolled in each and a coordinator will be appointed to monitor the registrations and cancellations of each student.
  3. The coordinator will be fully responsible for communication between the AMPA, monitoring students and parents, so they will be available from the beginning to the end of the activity.
  4. The coordinators of each activity must meet with the students 5 minutes before each class.
  5. The parents responsible for the students must be present when their children are handed over to each monitoring coordinator.
  6. Only the students and their coordinators are the only ones who can use the facilities and the study material or the activity to be carried out since it is their responsibility to ensure that these are always well preserved.
  7. At the end of the class, the coordinators will go to the central courtyard of the educational unit with the students and must personally deliver the children to their respective parents.
  8. If parents are delayed more than 5 minutes in looking for their children, the coordinator must take the student to the school concierge. If the parents still do not show up, the coordinator must take the student directly to their parents. Note that if this situation is repeated several times, the coordinator can expel the student.
  9. Parents who must make the corresponding payment must do so as soon as possible since late payment is also grounds for expulsion.
  10. The AMPA will finance all types of extra material that the student requires and that is for the common good,
  11. If the coordinator requires additional space to store school materials, he or she must notify the AMPA so that it can solve the problem.
  12. They must always adhere to the already prepared program planning, therefore if a festival is organized on campus, the AMPA must be notified to see if they can attend or not.
  13. Coordinators cannot for any reason suspend any activity without justifiable reason.

Under these rules should govern extracurricular activities, so if you want to involve your child in any of them, don't forget to review them carefully.

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