12 extracurricular ideas for children

Extracurricular ideas for children

It is often difficult to choose the ideal extracurricular activity for your child given the increasingly wide range of activities: languages, sports, robotics, dance, theatre, music...

Families are very aware that it is an important decision since they play a fundamental role in the comprehensive development of children and young people while complementing the pedagogical project of each school in a creative and motivating way. 

Offering a wide variety of options, these activities allow children to explore different areas of interest, develop skills, and establish meaningful social connections. When choosing, it is crucial to first take into account your child's age, personality, preferences and abilities so that they feel comfortable and motivated. Only in this way will annoying changes of activity in the middle of the course be avoided and the potential that this activity offers will be made the most of.

Here you will find some ideas that will help you orient yourself and make the best decision so that your extracurricular activities positively influence the physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth of your children:

Sports and physical activities

Activities that exercise the body are essential to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage children's physical development. Participating in sports not only improves cardiovascular health and strengthens muscles, but also teaches teamwork, leadership, and perseverance skills, such as football, basketball, and others. team sports. In the case of martial artsFor example, discipline, self-control and bodily self-awareness are exercised, while in the case of swimming Muscle groups are worked harmoniously, acquiring security and confidence in the water.

art and creativity

Painting, music, dance and theater offer children a way to express themselves freely and develop their imagination. These activities stimulate the right side of the brain, which promotes creativity and lateral thinking, very useful for solving unconventional problems. Additionally, they help improve self-esteem and self-confidence as children see the tangible result of their creative work.

Specifically, the plastic arts and crafts promote concentration and fine motor skills, dance and ballet They improve body expression, flexibility and rhythm, and music and singing develop artistic sensitivity and can improve language and mathematical skills.

Science and technology (STEM)

Activities related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) constitute authentic training for the future. In the same way that we exercise our body in a physical activity, this type of extracurricular activities exercise the mind through robotics, programming, 3D design and virtual reality, stimulating children's innate curiosity and their desire to explore. In a fully technological society, STEM activities provide children with a clear advantage in understanding the world that awaits them and exercising key strategic skills such as problem solving, analytical thinking, creativity and teamwork, preparing them to face success new challenges.

In the case of IGNITE, all STEM activities are carried out in English, which provides an additional advantage to communication in a global and increasingly interrelated world. 

Nature and adventure

Outdoor and adventure activities, such as hiking, camping, and climbing, connect children with nature and teach them to appreciate the environment. These experiences promote physical and mental health while fostering respect for the natural world. Additionally, they provide opportunities to develop leadership, teamwork and resilience skills.

The excursions and camps, For example, they open the door to exploring nature, a great way to learn about the environment and raise awareness about the importance of leading a sustainable life, while encouraging individual independence and autonomy within a group.

Personal and social development

Activities focused on personal and social development, such as volunteering, youth leadership and debate, help children develop effective communication skills, empathy and social responsibility. These experiences foster a sense of community and promote emotional well-being while building meaningful relationships with their peers.

Among other possibilities, the leadership and entrepreneurship workshops, a very practical way to develop the ability to coordinate other people, teamwork and critical thinking. These types of skills can also be focused in the field of volunteering and community service, working on important values ​​for personal development, as well as empathy, solidarity and social awareness.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, parents' choice should be based on the individual interests and needs of each child. A good way to clear up doubts is to encourage them to try a new extracurricular activity, thus giving them the opportunity to explore, learn and discover new experiences in a friendly, safe and stimulating environment. There is no one better than you to really know what moves your child and what can be a good complement to her way of being. This knowledge, together with a clear dialogue about your feelings, emotions and discoveries when you are in the new extracurricular school, are the best guarantee of success in building a solid path of learning and development.

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