How to apply Artificial Intelligence in education (I)

Guide for educators who want to incorporate AI in the classroom

La Artificial Intelligence (AI) It is a disruptive technology that, although it is not new, is just now emerging from the laboratories to open exponentially to society. Artificial Intelligence and education, production, employment, laws, art, science, security, economics, literature... It seems that no human activity is safe from its enormous and unpredictable impact.       

Between the techno-optimists and the techno-catastrophists, reality is undoubtedly somewhere in the middle. It is undeniable that the power of this technology is such that it is essential to have clear regulations, ethical criteria and precise knowledge so that it becomes an ally in any sector and not a “black box” without control.   

For our part, from the IGNITE pedagogical team we have done this internal reflection to reach turn Artificial Intelligence into an ally of education and integrate it into our IGNITE method. Our line of work, as happens with mobile phones, video games and other entertainment and productivity devices, is to adequately train and educate students and teachers so that technologies help us enhance our human capabilities instead of atrophying them for good. use or lack of knowledge of these tools. 

In this article, we will explore how AI is transforming education and the benefits it entails if used appropriately, such as an “expanded capacity” of education professionals and the students themselves.

Personalization of learning

One of the most transformative aspects of applying AI in education is its ability to personalize the learning experience. As we well know, each student is unique, with different abilities, paces, learning styles and interests. AI can collect data on each student's progress and adapt content and teaching methodology accordingly. This means that students can progress at their own pace and receive feedback tailored to their individual needs, improving knowledge retention and understanding.

In this aspect, at IGNITE Serious Play we are improving the competence reports of students for their families, progressively introducing intelligent analytics and new features in their Learning Management System (LMS).

Benefits of AI to personalize learning

Virtual tutors and individualized training

The AI-based virtual tutors They are rapidly improving their capabilities to help struggling students and offer individualized training, answer questions, and provide instant feedback. They can alsoadapt to the learning speed of each student, allowing them to tackle difficult concepts and check understanding before moving forward. For this we are evaluating the figure of the copilot, as a transversal support person, free and flexible to use by all our students in face-to-face and online format.

Long distance education

AI has also opened the doors to a high quality distance education. AI-assisted online learning platforms offer courses on very diverse topics that allow students around the world to access educational content that would otherwise be impossible, especially in remote regions or underserved by the traditional education system.

In this aspect, IGNITE Serious Play offers a track of online learning to develop STEAM skills (Video Game Programming and Virtual Reality), as well as a route of learning English language with Minecraft Education.

Data analysis for decision making

Data collection and analysis are essential for continuous improvement in education. AI can analyze large data sets to identify trends and patterns of student achievement. This allows educational institutions make informed decisions on policies and practices that can improve teaching and learning.

Our pedagogical coordinators at IGNITE Serious Play will progressively have more data and traceability of STEAM learning and the development of key competencies (soft skills) in each of the extracurricular clubs that we manage: Robotics, Programming, 3D Design and Virtual Reality.

Task automation 

As we have already seen, the correct application of AI benefits both students and educators. Faculty are often overwhelmed by the sheer amount of administrative tasks, assessments, and paperwork management. AI can automate these tasks, allowing educators to dedicate more quality time to effective teaching and interacting with students.

Our educators are responsible for introducing the metrics on the reference pedagogical indicators, also having a history of the current academic year and even year-on-year.

Classrooms can become a more stimulating experience with proper use of AI

Student motivation and commitment

Finally, AI is becoming a very effective help to improve student motivation and commitment. Content recommendation systems can help students find relevant material of interest, creating a constant feedback loop that allows them to become protagonists of their own learning. 

Our experience in the application of IGNITE Method's guarantee of success., using specific gamification dynamics, confirm the effectiveness of this approach to improve the involvement and quality of attention of students.

In the next post we will tell you how to apply the educational potential of AI in STEAM extracurricular activities. Stay connected!

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