Blocked with English? Minecraft Education may be your ideal solution

How to learn English and get motivated with Minecraft Education

Learning English is like riding a bicycle or understanding mathematics: the important thing is to get off to a good start. Something that does not always happen, as many families of school-age sons and daughters know very well. Demotivation, tiredness, even outright refusal to listen to anything in that language... are common symptoms among students who have finished blocking with learning English. 

If that is your case, we have good news to give you. Our experience shows us that one of the most exciting ways to learn is through video games, and specifically, Minecraft Education It has turned out to be a fantastic educational tool that combines fun and learning in a unique way. In this article we show you practical cases and specific activities that we carry out with Minecraft Education in the IGNITE Serious Play online extracurricular activities that demonstrate how boys and girls can learn English in a very effective and motivating way.

Linguistic immersion in Minecraft

Imagine that your son or daughter is inside a Minecraft Education world, exploring landscapes, building structures and collaborating with other students. Each of these activities is guided live by an online teacher who gives instructions for participants to perform actions, give orders to their characters and communicate with other classmates, everything in English. Thus, for example, in an activity in which students must collaborate to build a bridge, they must discuss and plan in English, improving their listening comprehension and oral expression skills.

Lessons and guided tasks

Within Minecraft Education, our teachers design specific lessons that require students to complete tasks in English. In this way, they could assign a task in which students must explore the virtual world in search of specific elements and then describe them in English or arrange certain objects according to their grammatical category. What for others would be a boring lesson, for them becomes an exciting challenge that promotes vocabulary and grammar practice in a fun and meaningful way.

IGNITE's online extracurricular activities led live by expert teachers manage to activate motivation for English.

Creation of stories and narrative challenges

Our faculty also use Minecraft Education to create narrative challenges in English. It is common, therefore, for us to design an adventure in which students must follow a story and solve puzzles in English to advance. These activities encourage reading comprehension, problem solving and written expression.

Social interactions in English

Minecraft Education promotes collaboration and social interactions. Students must work together to achieve goals and solve challenges, which requires effective communication in English. In an online environment, children have the opportunity to chat, speak and collaborate in English with other players, reflecting real-world situations where English communication skills are required.

Project development

One of the exercises that our students love is creating projects within Minecraft Education, such as building a replica of a historical monument or creating an ecosystem. During these projects, they are encouraged to research, plan and present their work in English. This encourages the development of skills research, presentation and written communication in English.

In summary, Minecraft Education is an incredibly motivating tool for practical learning of English, designed for everyday life. Its high degree of linguistic immersion, specific lessons, narrative activities and social interactions in English make it a great ally even in the most difficult cases.

Learning English with Minecraft Education combines creative construction activities with oral and written expression.

As kids embark on new adventures in the world of Minecraft Education, strengthen your language skills in a fun and effective way, while developing their cognitive and social skills in a stimulating and engaging learning environment.

If you want to see it in action, we invite you to try for free during the first month in our courses Englishcraft

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