Robotics conversations at the Roig Tesalia school

On Friday Ignite gave an information session on Robotics at the Roig Tesalia school for the boys in 1st year of ESO and 2nd year of ESO.


We begin by reflecting on robotics and its future. We were also discussing whether they saw robots as future help or whether they saw it as still very far away. That's why they were shown videos about robots Boston Dynamics so that they could see how far we are today in the world of robotics and artificial intelligence


A possible job opportunity in the future may be related to robotics and artificial intelligence, since according to experts the near future of society will be surrounded by robots that will make our lives easier. That is why we need future engineers to manage these new technologies. We are committed to these technologies and we manage to bring this knowledge to young people thanks to the extracurricular activities that we teach with the materials of Lego Education, Mindstorms, Micro: bit, Scratch...

We are committed to these technologies and we manage to bring this knowledge to young people thanks to the extracurricular activities that we teach.


After talking about all this and putting them in context, we present the activities that the students enrolled in the secondary robotics extracurricular class are doing on Friday afternoons. They explained the challenges that robotics entails but also the benefits and satisfactions.


A part of the information session also served to explain the Space Quest gamification that we have begun to apply as a pilot test to the ESO extracurricular activity at school Roig Tesalia.

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